Saturday, May 28, 2011

Day 1 in India!

I'm currently borrowing my roommate's computer with broadband key internet since an electrician came today to fix some light switches and somehow messed up our phone connection, so our fast wifi that I was so impressed with yesterday is not working now.

Didn't sleep too much last night with the jet lag... Spent most of the day inside today studying up on nutrition and India. I met with colleagues in the late afternoon where we went to nearby N-block market to get dinner and drinks at a couple chic little places - lots of chic places around Delhi I think! I also rode in rickshaw taxis for the first time! Who knew you could fit 3 people in the back of one of those, they are teeny. They are also very cheap and will likely be my mode of travel to and from the office for $1 each way.
Delhi-wise, I look forward to slowly getting my bearings on how to get around, eat, and explore on the cheap!
Work-wise, it looks like my timing is perfect because CHAI will be partnering with other organizations to spearhead a really exciting pilot malnutrition study this summer! I think it will be very busy - there is a lot of work and just a few people to do it - but it will be an awesome learning experience.

Hopefully get a better sleep tonight, ready for day 2 tomorrow!

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