Sunday, May 29, 2011

Mosquito bit me in the eye

So I think I got the majority of my mosquito bites while sleeping the first night on Friday. I get bit by mosquitos way more than most humans (my "kobe beef" blood) and they tend to bite me in three's, so that I have a triangle of bites in one area that forms a super-bite, and I swell up big-time, so right now it looks like a third arm is trying to grow out of my right arm. Also, a mosquito bit me on the eyelid Friday night (this was in four - the mosquito bit me three times on the forehead, and decided to give me an extra one in my eye). People ask me - 'Elaine, how do you manage to get bit on the eyelid/lip/nostril/etc?' Well, I'm sleeping, and defenseless. So the eye bite didn't really flare up yesterday, but I woke up this morning (at 5:30 am after going to bed at 1 - still jetlagged) and my left eye was swollen shut. Took a lot of icing this morning but now I look a little more normal, except for all those other bites all over my face, arms, and legs (and bum?) that don't take too well in the heat.
Had round 2 at chic cafe with Fabian and Caitlin for lunch today, meeting a lady who works with the school system here in Delhi. Then I did a little shopping in N-block on my own so I can find some nice local clothing! What beautiful fabrics they have here. Took me a long time in the first store to even figure out what things were and what size I was.
And took a rickshaw home by myself for the first time!
Tonight, we have dinner at another CHAI alumna's house.
Tomorrow - first day in the office!

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