Wednesday, June 1, 2011


I don't think I've ever had this whole jetlag thing last so long but I'm still not quite sleeping properly (well, had a normal sleep 2 out of 6 nights). Could also be just getting used to the sound of the AC, my 2 inch thick mattress, my unusual eating habits here, and my tough love pillow. Went to bed at midnight last night but felt wide awake until 4, which foiled my plan to get up at 6 to watch game 1 of the Stanley Cup finals, if I can indeed find somewhere online to stream it live.
I actually haven't started taking any pictures! I will try to start photo-documenting today.
Yesterday, we had a meeting over at the GAIN office, a big player in global nutrition at the moment. Their office is located over in the Lodi Aman Hotel/office building, which was like entering a modern palace or fancy UN compound. I wish I took pictures! It was a really impressive place - looked like all marble, marigold petals everywhere, secret elevators... It was really interesting to meet with the program manager from GAIN and find out about the work they are doing in South Asia.
Driving here is quite different. I've been taking the little rickshaw taxis everywhere (see pic I just took from Google). The roads are actually great here in Delhi but it's just that cars, rickshaws, bicycles, and pedestrians are constantly weaving and whipping around, coming within millimeters of each other. Lots of "whoa, whoa... WHOA!" moments going around town. But there is a method to the madness of course - everyone seems to make it work and my rickshaw hasn't hit anybody, yet!


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