Saturday, June 11, 2011

You know it's hot when your elbows are sweating

Though we did have one day of relief yesterday - my first Delhi storm! It poured and the winds were slamming against the house at around 4 am, and when I woke up, it was a cool 75 degrees, which later in the day turned into a good 90 degrees.
I have found a way to live stream the Stanley Cup finals online! (at 5:30 am) The problem is that our electricity has been fickle, so that I don't always have the connection to watch the entire game. I am thankful that the electricity came back on Tuesday night after a 2-hour break - no AC or fan can be brutal in this season, even at night.
I was duped for the first time at lunch this week - I could have sworn I was eating cubes of meat, but it was sneaky soy! I do eat mostly vegetarian here - as most people do - but I can't complain if it's good Indian food.
Went to a fancy Chinese Sichuan restaurant the other night in the next neighborhood. The food was really good, but the atmosphere was so bizarre - really fancy modern-looking restaurant, but the entertainment all evening was a Chinese woman singing soft rock hits with a karaoke machine. She did not entertain our table's request for her to sing "Welcome to the Jungle."
Work is very exciting - a lot of things are coming through for nutrition this summer for CHAI, and looks like I'll be doing a little bit of traveling to the field soon! It is really nice to be busy with work that I really like - instead of busy with work that is no fun or not busy at all.
I need to start taking more pictures to catch some random cool stuff I've seen around (Delhi is scattered with ruins and old temples) and good food I've eaten! I will try to be better about that.


1 comment:

  1. Did you bring the Dora costume? With all these "Elaine in ...." blogs, I'd like to see a Dora picture with two thumbs up in front of the hallmark attraction in each country/city. At least here, you could grab a pet monkey too, ya?
