Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Momo phase

Namaste! Starting with a picture of my street in Delhi (and my roommate, John).
I think I'm finally over the jetlag.
Delhi has been super-hot, 110 degrees everyday - which is especially rough when the power cuts out (has been happening quite a bit lately) or when you're stuck in an open tripod taxi in "maximize space" traffic. There is this one intersection that I hit everyday on my way home from the office where you will sit through at least 3 green lights every time - brutal! And rumor is that the pollution is really bad here... Other than that, no complaints!
Over the weekend, I tagged along with my roommates to a random wedding reception, being the notorious wedding crasher that I am ;) It was a low-key reception for a journalist couple at the Foreign Correspondents Club, and a good chance for me to get some free drinks and cake, meet some cool new folks, and dance outside (in the heat) to some Hindi hits!
Work is going well - this week, I am working on putting together training modules to train village health workers on how to treat severely malnourished children. Great hands-on learning.
The big to-do in the news this past weekend was about a big-time yogi who was going on a hunger strike to protest corruption in the government. The police 'squashed' the whole gathering of followers pretty quickly - but not without controversy...
I've been trying more and more great local food - dosas and curries and lassis and chicory coffee... I've discovered street "momo's" in the market a block over from our neighborhood. They are steamed dumplings - it's that Tibetan influence - and I've been eating them almost everyday, and will continue to until I get sick of them. 8 dumplings for less than $1! :)

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